It measures your immune system’s response to a variety of foods to determine if your body has an intolerance or allergy.
Consultation Required?
Treatments in Office
Initial Results Seen in
Results Duration

Increases Health Awareness

Prevent Allergic Reactions

Diagnose Possible Health Conditions
First and foremost, we will have a consultation to determine if the symptoms you are experiencing seem to be caused or worsened by a food sensitivity or intolerance. Once your health and wellness team determines that, then we will conduct testing.
For food sensitivity testing in Overland Park, all we do is take a sample of a few hairs from your head and send them off to the lab. There, they will be examined for their bioresonance, or their energy field, to see if they match similar energy fields to foods that cause a lot of digestive issues. If the fields are similar, then that food is safe. If the fields are different, then you are most likely intolerant to that food.
It will take about a week for your results to come in, but once they do, we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to go over your results. At that point, we’ll offer you our MaxLife Body Health Guide and the delicious recipes it offers that cater to specific food intolerances. We’ll also offer one-on-one coaching, as sometimes it can be difficult to follow dietary restrictions, and our MaxLife team is always ready and available to provide support.

Our hair testing results usually come back in a week.
Food sensitivity testing in Overland Park is a valuable tool for anyone looking to get answers to their dietary concerns. We don’t provide testing for children under the age of 2 without medical direction.
There are not a lot of studies that have been conducted on testing the bioresonance of hair for food allergies, but the bioresonance technique has been used for drug testing and has been used medicinally in places like Chinese hospitals, the Russian Space Project, and by over 7000 practitioners in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Bioresonance therapy is used by professional sports teams and Olympic teams alike to understand issues not always picked up by conventional medicine.
While we only offer the hair sample version for food sensitivity testing in Overland Park, there are also bloodwork tests and finger-prick tests that can be conducted.
The only available option for 100% accurate results for food sensitivities is by going through an elimination diet. Elimination diets are the gold standard of food sensitivity tests, but they can be difficult, since they require strict control on every aspect of food sourcing. They can also be lengthy and costly, especially if you have no clue what foods may be causing your symptoms. However, a hair strand test can help make elimination diets go faster and be cheaper by setting parameters on what foods to eliminate first.